Published : 2018-04-30

Economic Conditions of Restructuring of Medical Entitie

Wiesława Caputa

Artur Paździor

Piotr Rybak


A significant number of public hospitals in Poland systematically show losses on the basic medical activities. This is the reason for the growing debts in these hospitals. Their current level is estimated at approx. PLN 15 billion. It is not possible to reduce this indebtedness if these hospitals do not cover the costs of basic operating activity with the revenues achieved. To achieve such a state, it is necessary to carry out a deep restructuring in most of them. Its goal should be, on the one hand, to adapt the service potential to demand, and on the other hand, to create conditions for an ongoing cost control. The aim of the article is to assess the financial situation of one of the hospitals in Eastern Poland and to indicate changes in the management system, enabling the rationalization of operating costs.(original abstract)


Financial controlling, Financial situation, Health costs, Hospital service, Health care finance, Restructuring





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Caputa, W., Paździor, A., & Rybak, P. (2018). Economic Conditions of Restructuring of Medical Entitie. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 79(2).

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