Published : 2018-02-27

A New Approach to Measuring the Development of Micro and Small Enterprises that Use Loan Funds: Financial and Non-financial Aspects

Dariusz Sobolewski


The article describes preliminary assumptions concerning a new approach to measuring the development of micro and small enterprises that use loan funds. The subject matter is presented in a broader context of issues related to the access of companies to capital, which is a structural factor determining the development of enterprises. The author considers the role of loan funds as a strategy of raising capital for the development of micro and small enterprises. The article describes a new approach to measuring the development of micro and small companies that use loan funds, which focuses on the specific character of micro and small companies and the activity of loan funds.(original abstract)


Small business, Micro-enterprise, Financing enterprises, Enterprise development, Loan funds





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Sobolewski, D. (2018). A New Approach to Measuring the Development of Micro and Small Enterprises that Use Loan Funds: Financial and Non-financial Aspects. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 78(1).

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