Published : 2017-10-30

Management Information System as the Basis for Expanding the Bank's Cooperation with the Business Sector

Sławomir Jankiewicz

Dominika Mierzwa


Poland needs to increase the level of innovation in the economy in order to accelerate the country's development. For this to happen, companies have to increase their spending on research and development. R&D activities will mostly be funded by the banking sector. However, local banks may not be interested in financing innovation because of the risk involved. This problem can largely be solved by helping banks to develop a good information system. The article describes the idea of management information systems and identifies areas that should be taken into account when implementing such a system in a bank. Considerations presented in the article are based on the personal experience of one of the authors gained during his work on developing the concept and implementing a management information system in a foreign-based bank operating in Poland.(original abstract)


Banking sector, Manager Information Systems (MIS)





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Jankiewicz, S., & Mierzwa, D. (2017). Management Information System as the Basis for Expanding the Bank’s Cooperation with the Business Sector. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 76(5). Retrieved from

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