Published : 2017-08-30

Knowledge Management in Intelligent Organizations in Times of the Digital Transformation: Findings of a Study of the Polish SME Sector

Piotr Adamczewski


Small and medium enterprises play an essential role in the global economic growth. The share of the Polish SME sector in GNP has been at the level of 48% for years now. This sector has also been among the most dynamically developing and computerised areas in the Polish economy. Effective knowledge management can be analysed in different areas: organizational structures, personnel, organizational culture, and ICT tools. ICT (Information and Communication Technology) systems constitute the foundation of modern economic organizations in times of digital transformation. This applies particularly to advanced ICT infrastructure, which is the condition sine qua non for effective knowledge management. The objective of this article is to discuss organizational and technological aspects of modern ICT-based knowledge management called SMAC (Social, Mobility, Analytics, Cloud), regarded as the present canon of ICT support in this respect. The analysis is supported with findings of a study carried out by the author in 2014-17 in selected SMEs from Mazowieckie and Wielkopolskie provinces.(original abstract)


Knowledge management, Intelligent organisations, Small business, Information and Communication Technology (ICT), Sine qua non condition, Digital transformation





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Adamczewski, P. (2017). Knowledge Management in Intelligent Organizations in Times of the Digital Transformation: Findings of a Study of the Polish SME Sector. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 75(4). Retrieved from

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