Published : 2017-08-30

Using the Idea of the Commons in an Open Innovation Model in the Pharmaceutical Industry

Elżbieta Pohulak-Żołędowska


The openness of fundamental knowledge creation (this kind of knowledge is usually referred to as basic research) is not a new concept. Basic research, predominantly conducted by public scientific entities - like universities, state-owned laboratories etc. - by definition constitutes public knowledge, which is freely available in the form of publications. However, open innovation is a more complex phenomenon. It is not only public institutions that guarantee open access to the knowledge base. Private companies operating in high-risk industries also create a common, open knowledge base, which can even be called a 'knowledge flow platform' or the 'knowledge cloud'. The use of common knowledge in some industries (like biotechnology, pharmaceutical industry) is a solution that can improve the efficacy of the innovation process, accelerate the pace of introducing new products to the market and reduce the risk of conducting high-cost research by companies without limiting the profitability of the industry itself. The goal of the article is to reconstruct the open innovation model with emphasis on the knowledge flow (which is an example of the commons of great importance for the model's economics).(original abstract)


Pharmaceutical industry, Common good, Innovations, Open innovation





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Pohulak-Żołędowska, E. (2017). Using the Idea of the Commons in an Open Innovation Model in the Pharmaceutical Industry. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 75(4). Retrieved from

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