Published : 2017-08-30

Evolution of the Role of Packaging in the Context of the Development of E-commerce in the Food Industry

Ewa Jerzyk


The growing level of sales of food products via the Internet, still regarded as an innovative marketing channel, is causing changes in the significance and role of unit packaging. The purpose of this article is to present the role of packaging in the process of purchasing a food product in an e-shop. It is assumed that buyers are responding differently to shopping stimuli in virtual and physical environments and therefore packaging features of a product offered online should differ from those used in traditional sales. The article reports the results of desk research analysis, a questionnaire survey and an eye-tracking study conducted at the UEP Consumer Research Laboratory in Poznań. It was found that the role of packaging declared by customers visiting an online shop is different from what is suggested by their visual focus during the buying process. The primary function of packaging in the e-shop is promotion and information. Packaging is primarily a product and brand identifier (by color and name), increasing the likelihood of well-known consumer products ending up in the e-shopping cart. Moreover, it saves time spent on shopping. The price is not an important criterion in buying a food product online. Effective use of the role of packaging in the online sale of food products can be improved by using special packaging dedicated to this sales channel.(original abstract)


Packaging, e-commerce, Foodstuffs, Eye tracking, Organization of purchasing process





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Jerzyk, E. (2017). Evolution of the Role of Packaging in the Context of the Development of E-commerce in the Food Industry. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 75(4). Retrieved from

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