Published : 2017-06-30

The Effectiveness of Recruitment and Selection Tools Based on the Concept of Learning Agility

Kinga Mann

Łukasz Fojutowski


Polish companies are increasingly affected by dynamic changes in the business environment of organizations, technological development, the demographic crisis, as well as many other factors. The existing static methods of recruitment and selection are not suited to the dynamic development of modern organizations and the modern, highly volatile labor market. New professions are emerging, existing jobs are being redefined, career paths are no longer homogeneous. All of these changes require a completely new approach to how candidates are sought and evaluated. Nowadays organizations are no longer satisfied with knowing what kind of competences candidates possess. Managers need to be able to assess a person's development potential in order to determine their long term value for the organisation. The authors argue that the concept of Learning Agility is a solution to challenges that HR departments are facing in this regard. The purpose of this article is to introduce the main assumptions of this concept, present results of their own research and indicate the possible application of Learning Agility to recruit employees with high development potential.(original abstract)


Recruitment process, Employee recruitment, Development potential





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Mann, K., & Fojutowski, Łukasz. (2017). The Effectiveness of Recruitment and Selection Tools Based on the Concept of Learning Agility. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 74(3). Retrieved from

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