Published : 2017-06-30

Knowledge Management in Project Teams - Selected Issues

Renata Winkler


Modern organizations operate in conditions of high uncertainty. In view of the scope and dynamics of changes in the modern business environment, knowledge has come to be seen as a strategic resource, which needs to be controlled in an effort to build an organisation's long-term competitive advantage, while project teams have been recognized as an important element of the strategy in highly competitive markets. The aim of this article is to discuss selected issues associated with the practice of knowledge management (KM) in a project team, such as typical problems of KM initiatives, standard practices at the team level, factors affecting the effectiveness of forms of activities that are crucial for KM. The analysis is based on the review of the literature and on the author's experience of collaborating in project teams and her previous research conducted among members of such teams (2012 and 2013).(original abstract)


Knowledge management, Team work





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Winkler, R. (2017). Knowledge Management in Project Teams - Selected Issues. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 74(3). Retrieved from

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