Published : 2017-06-30

Intellectual Capital as a Success Factor of Modern Businesses

Joanna Kubicka

Hanna Dubanevich


The paper presents results of a quantitative and qualitative study aiming to identify workers' intellectual capital, their opinion about the level of implementation of intellectual capital management in their companies and barriers hindering this process. The study is based on responses of a purposive sample of 100 employees of large, medium-sized, small and micro enterprises located in the Lower Silesian region, which was collected in 2016. It was found that the level of respondents' knowledge about intellectual capital was insufficient. Most companies do not use intellectual capital management, which can prevent them from developing a lasting competitive advantage. Intellectual capital management tends to be used by large and medium enterprises. The major barriers to developing and managing intellectual capital in enterprises include the attachment of management staff to traditional solutions and the lack of standard intellectual capital management tools.(original abstract)


Intellectual capital, Human capital, Human Resources Management (HRM)





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Kubicka, J., & Dubanevich, H. (2017). Intellectual Capital as a Success Factor of Modern Businesses. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 74(3). Retrieved from

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