Published : 2017-04-30

The Transformation of the Currency Regulation System in the Context of Financial Instability of the Economy

Anton Boiko

Artem Koldovskyi

Kateryna Chernega


The global financial crisis raises questions over the objectives of financial regulation as well as over how to best meet these goals. Capital requirements have always been the cornerstone of bank regulation. In terms of economic instability, government regulation of basic macroeconomic indicators on the one hand, and market instruments geared to stimulating the growth of businesses on the other, are the key responsibilities for the government of any country. At the same time, it should be noted that during a financial crisis, the relevant instruments of economic regulation are not same as those applied during periods of stability. The effect of their implementation is not only unpredictable, but could also adversely affect the financial market. The paper presents a critical analysis of the transformation of the currency regulation system in the context of financial instability of the economy.(original abstract)


Macroeconomic indicators, Financial markets, Exchange rates, Financial crisis





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Boiko, A., Koldovskyi, A., & Chernega, K. (2017). The Transformation of the Currency Regulation System in the Context of Financial Instability of the Economy. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 73(2). Retrieved from

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