Published : 2017-04-30

Polish Fuel Companies' CSR Initiatives toward Local Society - a Case Study

Anna Badura-Mojza


The paper aims primarily to identify activities that may be embraced by companies for the benefit of a local community, the latter considered as one of major stakeholder groups. The attempt is made in the context of theory of corporate social responsibility that recommends initiatives to be undertaken and responsibilities to be assumed by a business company toward the local community. In the practical sense, the study provides a case study involving two Polish energy sector companies (listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange - included in WIG30 and Respect indexes). The study relies on data provided in the companies' consolidated annual reports regarding the types of activities implemented for the benefit of their respective local communities. These activities are further confronted with the recommendations put forth by relevant theory. The study has demonstrated that the companies' real-world initiatives largely correspond to theoretical recommendations.(original abstract)


Social Responsibility, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), Local community





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Badura-Mojza, A. (2017). Polish Fuel Companies’ CSR Initiatives toward Local Society - a Case Study. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 73(2). Retrieved from

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