Published : 2017-04-30

Social Responsibility Strategy as Exemplified by the Lotos SA Group

Anna Krzysztofek


Corporate social responsibility (CSR) has now become part of many business strategies, as more and more entrepreneurs understand how it can help their businesses become more competitive and at the same time make their reputation grow. However, despite initiatives undertaken by companies themselves, in Poland corporate social responsibility is still a relatively new idea that is yet to be fully embraced. The paper seeks to discuss elements of social responsibility strategy and presents a case study of Lotos Group SA, one that has developed a consistent CSR strategy. The paper describes the projects and activities implemented by the Group Lotos SA under its CSR strategy in an attempt to illustrate the point that the development and effective implementation of a social responsibility strategy can yield tangible benefits and have a positive impact on a company's image.(original abstract)


Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), Corporation strategies, Stakeholders, RESPECT Index





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Krzysztofek, A. (2017). Social Responsibility Strategy as Exemplified by the Lotos SA Group. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 73(2). Retrieved from

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