Published : 2017-04-30

The Correlation between Interest-Bearing Debt and Selected Profitability Ratios Based on Groups of Chemical Industry Companies

Andrzej Matras


Today's financial market provides ample opportunities for businesses to raise finance for their projects. The proliferation of funding schemes is fueled by the initiative of banks and other financial institutions, resulting in a situation where offers are available just around the corner. The point is to remain very reasonable about increasing the level of debt, realistically assessing one's ability to service it and to sustain its timely repayment. The paper sets out to contribute to understanding companies' decisions concerning the use of debt financing and hence incurring debt. To accomplish this, a group of chemical industry businesses whose parent companies are listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange has been examined for correlation between the level of net interest-bearing debt and such profitability ratios as e.g. EBITDA. The preliminary research findings show that a correlation does exist, and the conclusion is strengthened by the fact that the groups of companies investigated are characterized by diverse capital structures.(original abstract)


Ratio analysis, Financial analysis, Indebtedness, Chemical industry





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Matras, A. (2017). The Correlation between Interest-Bearing Debt and Selected Profitability Ratios Based on Groups of Chemical Industry Companies. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 73(2). Retrieved from

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