Published : 2017-02-28

Analysis of Factors Affecting the Price of CO2 Emission Allowances

Anna Hnydiuk-Stefan


The article presents results of a study analyzing what key factors affect the price of European Emission Allowances (EUA) and the strength of their impact. The article explains the underlying mechanism behind the correlation between these factors and EUA prices. Using such indicators as the price of Brent crude oil, coal and gas, and government auction monitor and political decisions, it is possible to make short-term, medium-term and long-term predictions of EUA prices, and consequently to plan production and profitability in companies that are obliged to participate in the emissions trading system. Owing to the complexity of principles that regulate the market and a high level of variation in the associated indicators, predictions are often very inaccurate. The probability of high EUA prices is a threat to the profitability of primary production.(original abstract)


Gas emissions, Entitlement to emissions, Pollution emission market





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Hnydiuk-Stefan, A. (2017). Analysis of Factors Affecting the Price of CO2 Emission Allowances. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 72(1). Retrieved from

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