Published : 2017-02-28

GDP Components as Sources of Economic Growth in V4 Countries

Mária Uramová

Barbora Mazúrová

Ján Kollár


The standard of living of people determines the most important macroeconomic performance of the economy, such as the total value of produced goods and services, meaning the real GDP, GDP growth, employment level and respectively the unemployment rate, inflation rate, and the openness of the economy and balance of external economic relations. Despite its imperfections, through the assessment of economic developments and economic performance measurements, it is used in practice in the gross domestic product (GDP). GDP growth, as economic growth, in the short term is determined by the various segments of aggregate demand. The aim of this scientific paper is to analyse and quantify the contribution of an increase in individual AD components to economic growth in V4 countries and to compare these findings with each other. The paper is dedicated to an empirical site of economic growth, the subjects of the analysis are the economies of the V4 countries.(original abstract)


Gross domestic product (GDP), Economic growth





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Uramová, M., Mazúrová, B., & Kollár, J. (2017). GDP Components as Sources of Economic Growth in V4 Countries. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 72(1). Retrieved from

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