Published : 2017-02-28

Contemporary Public Space - Views and Discussions

Krzysztof Kołodziejczyk


The purpose of the following paper is to present a few significant aspects concerning contemporary public space. This study pinpoints how important public space is and that it requires a very specific attention on the part of authorities. Its value for local communities, as its availability and quality cannot be overestimated in terms of life quality, is stressed in the paper. The study deals also with the public space "conflict-rising" nature, taking into consideration interests of various users and groups of users and their involvement in the so-called "space game." Nowadays nongovernmental organizations together with city movements are beginning to play a more and more important role in shaping the public space. It is mostly their activity that has brought about changes in the policy towards public space, the result of which was the government's announcement of National Urban Policy. The following study is based on the articles published in scientific journals, reliable Internet sources and government documents.


Public goods, Public space, Spatial planning, Spatial development, Local community, Non-governmental organisation, Third sector of the economy





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Kołodziejczyk, K. (2017). Contemporary Public Space - Views and Discussions. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 72(1). Retrieved from

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