Published : 2017-02-28

The Use of Accounting in the Management of the Military Economic Entity

Konrad Stańczyk


Modern achievements of accounting are increasingly used by commanders of military units to help them make a series of decisions, especially those of an economic nature. They tend to reorient the current approach of the military unit from a statutory obligation towards the possible use of accounting data to make rational management decisions. This article presents the tasks, scope, and organization of accounting in the military economic entity. The content of the article contains general solutions to the accounting of economic entities, taking into account the specificity of these entities in the military economic environment. Presented content will concern military commanders of military economic departments, commanders of security departments, commanders of air bases, commanders of naval bases, heads of military airfield units, commanders of logistics brigades, commanders of regional logistics bases, heads of regional infrastructure management boards, as well as, their associates and subordinates including, in particular, deputies and chief accountants along with their staff.(original abstract)


Military expenditures, Government accounting, Public finance





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Stańczyk, K. (2017). The Use of Accounting in the Management of the Military Economic Entity. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 72(1). Retrieved from

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