Published : 2016-12-30

The Position of Higher Education Graduatesin the Labor Marketvs. Demand in the National Economy -the Present and the Future

Kinga Karpińska


The paper addresses a problem that visibly afflicts a lot of young graduates from Polish universities. A situation where a growing number of higher education degree holders are unable to find employment has adverse consequences for the graduates themselves as well as for the national economy. The reasons can be sought in such conditions as the increasing number of university graduates, the gaping mismatch between their education and the demand in the local labor market, and their lack of credentials required by employers. Among these factors, special attention should be given to the needs of local economies, as these effectively determine what personal qualities, skills, qualifications and education are expected of employees and what job openings are available in specific regions.(original abstract)


Higher education graduates, University graduate employment, Labour market, People's education





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Karpińska, K. (2016). The Position of Higher Education Graduatesin the Labor Marketvs. Demand in the National Economy -the Present and the Future. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 71(6). Retrieved from

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