Published : 2016-10-30

Challenges for the Social Insurance System in Poland

Bożena Kołosowska


The study on the background of the current situation in the existing pension systems gives a glimpse into challenges which they face as a result of changes in the labour market, changes in the financial markets, and above all, as a result of demographic change (an aging population, the increasing number of pensioners in relation to people of working age, a low birth rate, etc.). The gradual raising of the retirement age in Poland up to 67 years started in 2012. It is relevant to introduce solutions within social security that will allow the system to adapt to the new social conditions, both demographic and economic. The challenge is to find a solution that would make Poles more interested in saving through voluntary pension saving systems by the introduction of tax preferences in this area. The introduction of the repartition system in 1999, with a defined contribution scheme in part managed by ZUS, resulted in the emergence of retirement debt, which is also a challenge that Poland has faced since the beginning of the reform.(original abstract)


Social insurance system, Pension schemes, Retirement benefits





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Kołosowska, B. (2016). Challenges for the Social Insurance System in Poland. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 70(5). Retrieved from

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