Published : 2016-08-30

Instruments Creating Demand for Innovative Public Procurement in Light of Empirical Research

Arkadiusz Borowiec


Public procurement has been, for many years, one of the main instruments of the European Union in creating demand for innovation. Proof of this is seen in numerous strategic documents on this subject, as well as, good practices regarding their use in selected countries. Unfortunately, the use of public procurement in order to create innovation in Poland is a reflection of the low position of our country in the European ranking of the most innovative states. Moreover, the problem is not broadly addressed in Polish literature on the subject. Therefore, the aim of this article is to identify the instruments creating demand for innovative public procurement in Poland. Their characteristics have been enhanced with empirical studies carried out on 165 authorities who were obliged to apply the provisions of the Public Procurement Act, supplemented by data from secondary sources from publications of the Public Procurement Office.(original abstract)


Innovation economy, Public procurement, Demand, Innovations





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Borowiec, A. (2016). Instruments Creating Demand for Innovative Public Procurement in Light of Empirical Research. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 69(4). Retrieved from

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