Published : 2016-08-30

The Influence of Market and Policy on Revenues in the Polish Biomass Energy Sector - Experiences from SME

Bogna Janik

Krzysztof Kołodziejczyk


The aim of the study is to examine some of the factors that are crucial for revenue generation in the Polish industry of producing renewable energy from biomass. What is essential for the biomass energy sector is an adequate public policy, especially regulations which concern financial aspects. In addition, the market mechanisms which determine a company's revenue are also important aspect here. However, it is difficult to decide which of the two factors, public policy or market mechanisms, is a higher priority. The research will help define revenue volatility resulting from biomass energy production. Furthermore, a better understanding of the conditions of the Polish biomass sector will be useful in the process of policy adjustments and fostering the development of renewable energy. This study is one of the first attempts to investigate the issues concerning the financial performance of renewable energy companies on the Polish market. It will be based on a case study of small and medium-sized enterprises.(original abstract)


Renewable energy sources, Biomass, Innovations





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Janik, B., & Kołodziejczyk, K. (2016). The Influence of Market and Policy on Revenues in the Polish Biomass Energy Sector - Experiences from SME. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 69(4). Retrieved from

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