Published : 2016-08-30

Public Finance versus Economic Innovation

Wiesława Ziółkowska


The following paper is a limited attempt to analyse public finances in regard to their influence on the Polish economy when compared with the European Union between the years 2006- 2013. In EU countries there are significant differences as far as the levels of development and innovation are concerned, together with the level and the sources of financing research and development activities. Distinct progress in innovation, which is the source of change in product quality and costs of product manufacturing, is the prerequisite sustainable growth for the EU, which implies product and whole economy competitiveness. The most significant determinants of innovation are financial resource accessibility and widely understood human potential. Both these factors are undoubtedly places within the scope of public finance. The following analysis does not exhaust the subject matter, but is sufficient to draw conclusions that with reference to the needs of the Polish economy, the direct public spending on research and development is too low. The decrease in public expenditure (GDP share) on education and health care, when compared with other EU countries, does not support the improvement in the quality of human capital. On the other hand, the results of the following study show that the outlays from public levies on these two mentioned above functions are positively correlated with innovation of the economy.(original abstract)


Innovations, Innovation economy, Public finance, Economic growth, Research & Development (R D)





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Ziółkowska, W. (2016). Public Finance versus Economic Innovation. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 69(4). Retrieved from

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