Published : 2016-06-30

The Social Production System in Germany - a Model for the Future?

Michał Moszyński


The concept of a social system of production (SSP) is one of the cognitive perspectives by which the institutional arrangements of modern market economies could be analysed. It allows reflections on the autonomy of institutional arrangements in each country, in line with the assumption put forward by the Variety of Capitalism approach, as well as, to investigate problems of the stability of the given institutional configuration and the complementarity of their components. The following study raises these issues on a theoretical basis and carries out their preliminary verification on the example of the German SSP, with special regard to the labour market. Based on the critical study of literature, a set of specific features of the German model is proposed and structured according to the concept of SSP in four main categories: institutions, organizations, social values, and economic policy. Using a secondary statistical data and qualitative analysis, some trends have been identified as occurring within these elements in order to verify the thesis of complementarity and the stability of the German social system of production.(original abstract)


Labour market, Market economy, Social market economy, Production





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Moszyński, M. (2016). The Social Production System in Germany - a Model for the Future?. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 68(3). Retrieved from

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