Published : 2016-06-30

Credit Co-operatives in the Social Market Economy as Illustrated by the Co-operative Banking Sector in Poland

Ewa Kulińska-Sadłocha

Jan Szambelańczyk


This paper aims to provide a comparative analysis of the principles of the social market economy and co-operative principles, and also to identify the role served by co-operative banks in Poland in the process of promoting and implementing social market economy principles at the local level. The paper describes the reasons for the establishment of credit co-operatives and their defining features; it analyses the relationship between credit co-operatives as institutions and the social market economy model, and indicates the possibility of an active role of co-operative banks in the implementation of the social market economy concept. The social market economy concept creates the conditions for promoting and developing a stable credit co-operatives sector, while the co-operative movement supports the execution of the ultimate goals of the social market economy.(original abstract)


Social market economy, Cooperative banks, Cooperative movement, Credit cooperative movement





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Kulińska-Sadłocha, E., & Szambelańczyk, J. (2016). Credit Co-operatives in the Social Market Economy as Illustrated by the Co-operative Banking Sector in Poland. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 68(3). Retrieved from

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