Published : 2016-06-30

The Non-capitalist Sector in Switzerland

Armin Jans


The above discussed economic units can be classified into three types: - Type 1 comprises units facing tight competition and behaving like capitalist companies. This is the case for larger firms such as Migros, Coop, Raiffeisen, Mobiliar, health insurances etc. - Units of type 2 differ markedly from capitalist competitors; their bulk is formed by cooperatives providing housing for their members. - Units of type 3 consist of labour managed firms of all kinds, establishing a dominant role for the staff, thus disempowering capital owners. The non-capitalist sector counts about 12.5% of total employment (full time equivalents). The units of type 2 and 3 raise the figure given in Table 1 only by 0.5 percentage points. So the larger the deviations from "true" capitalist companies, the less frequent, smaller, and thus less important the firms. Or in the words of the Polish satirist Stanisław Jerzy Lec, "Many who ran in front of their time had to wait for it in very uncomfortable lodgings."


Economic system, Corporate governance, Workers' participation in companies' profits, Cooperatives





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Jans, A. (2016). The Non-capitalist Sector in Switzerland. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 68(3). Retrieved from

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