Published : 2016-04-30

Mobile Technologies in Marketing Activities of Large Polish Enterprises

Andrzej Sznajder


One of the most important contemporary social trends is the increase in the use of mobile devices such as mobile phones, smartphones, and tablets. This trend is used by companies of different branches in their marketing activities. Mobile marketing is growing increasingly and this kind of marketing, together with traditional marketing (offline marketing) and Internet marketing (online marketing), creates the contemporary marketing system. Large Polish companies with over 250 employees use mobile marketing activities in order to increase their competitiveness. However, these companies are, at present, in the initial phase of the development of mobile marketing. Mobile marketing tools, such as mobile websites, mobile e-mail, and SMS predominate in their marketing activities, as not many enterprises use mobile apps. Of special importance is the use of mobile technologies in promotional activities of these firms. A great number of companies also use multichannel distribution.(original abstract)


Information society, Mobile marketing, Mobile technologies





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Sznajder, A. (2016). Mobile Technologies in Marketing Activities of Large Polish Enterprises. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 67(2). Retrieved from

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