Published : 2016-02-28

Challenges of Modern Financial Reportingin the Context of Corporate Governance Trendsand Information Resources

Beata Iwasieczko


Presently, the market position of modern economic organizations is increasingly more determined by the availability and the quality of information resources, and the adopted model of information resource management. At the same time, in the context of the need for eliminating information asymmetry as the most fundamental principal-agent dilemma in view of modern trends in corporate governance, organizations face the problem of measuring, valuating, interpreting, and presenting the information resources accumulated or generated by the organization as part of its intellectual capital. An important question raised in this context is: what are the most significant problems in reporting and disclosing information resources under the present format of financial reporting? Does the use of modern instruments, such as network analysis and information audits, offer any help in reducing uncertainty in the measurement and valuation of this particular type of company resources and important source of company market value?(original abstract)


Financial reporting, Corporate governance, Enterprise information resources, Information audit





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Iwasieczko, B. (2016). Challenges of Modern Financial Reportingin the Context of Corporate Governance Trendsand Information Resources. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 66(1). Retrieved from

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