Published : 2015-12-30

Determinants of the Energy Policy in the Pomeranian Voivodship

Krystyna Gomółka


The Pomeranian province is located in the northern part of Poland and it has an industrial and agricultural character. In 2013, industrial plants located in this area have put 6,900 tons of gas and 2,800 tons of dust into the atmosphere. The biggest polluters are the heat plants which use coal and lignite in energy production. Documents of the EU energy policy announced a reduction of energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions by 20% and increases of the share of energy from renewable sources up to 20% by 2020 for the energy balance. These assumptions were reflected in national and regional papers. Their implementation by the regional government of Pomerania is based on incorporating biomass into thermal energy production, reducing energy consumption by thermo-modernization of buildings, developing alternative sources of energy in the form of wind power plants, the use of solar panels, biogas and geothermal energy, and the use of ecological fuel in transport. The dynamics of the changes in the energy policy in the Pomeranian voivodship can contribute to the early achievement of the EU recommendations.(original abstract)


Energy policy, Energetics, Alternative energy sources





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Gomółka, K. (2015). Determinants of the Energy Policy in the Pomeranian Voivodship. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 65(8). Retrieved from

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