Published : 2015-12-30

Transfer of Modern Energy Technologies from Universities to SMEs - Organizational, Legal, and Political Conditions

Tomasz Hoffmann

Dariusz Magierek


Technology transfer and the commercialization of scientific findings are in the circle of interests of decision-makers, scientists, and also businessmen. Undertaken public discourse on this theme, numerous case studies, and analyses indicate that one should seriously and reasonably think about the cooperation of universities and scientific units with businessmen. The presence of universities and research institutes in the development and the commercialization of new technologies profit both sides. Unfortunately, universities, like enterprises, seldom undertake cooperation with research institutes. The authors saw that thanks to the cooperation of higher exchange units one could accelerate the innovation processes in the Polish economy and also force universities and scientific institutes to catalyze their research in the interest of the development of modern technologies based on widely advanced innovative processes. Technology transfer can also have great use in the widely understood energy sector.(original abstract)


Technology transfer (TT), Energetics, Higher education





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Hoffmann, T., & Magierek, D. (2015). Transfer of Modern Energy Technologies from Universities to SMEs - Organizational, Legal, and Political Conditions. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 65(8). Retrieved from

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