Published : 2015-12-30

The Importance of Water Power for the Security of the Republic of Armenia

Paweł Nieczuja-Ostrowski


Contemporary studies on international and national security indicate that non-military factors may pose a threat to the existence of the nation that are as significant as other military factors. Minimal factors of existential security of the state are territorial integrity, ensuring of defence against aggression, terrorism, spreading of epidemics, and the effects of natural disasters, but also providing a supply of basic goods such as water, food, and energy, as well as, having minimum employment. During the collapse of the Soviet Union and regaining of independence in 1991, Armenia engaged in territorial conflicts with neighbouring Azerbaijan. As a consequence, 84 percent of its borders were blocked (with Azerbaijan and Turkey) and thus, a blockade of 85 percent of the raw material supply, primarily fuels, causing an energy and economic crisis for the country. From the truce in 1994 and the freezing the conflict, the energy situation of Armenia gradually started to improve, but at the same time the country was dependent on supplies of raw energy materials from Russia. A long lasting Russian monopoly on the supply of fuels has affected the increasing economic and political dependence on Russia. This paper is an attempt to determine the importance of water power (the only fully independent energy sector in external factors) for the security of Armenia - the country that has no access to the sea and to fossil fuel energy resources.(original abstract)


Energetics, Water energy, Energy security





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Nieczuja-Ostrowski, P. (2015). The Importance of Water Power for the Security of the Republic of Armenia. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 65(8). Retrieved from

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