Published : 2015-12-30

A New Prospect of Poland's Gas Security

Remigiusz Rosicki


The text addresses the issues of energy security as exemplified by Poland's gas security. The material scope of the analysis has been broken down into three main aspects: (1) natural gas resources in Poland in general, (2) unconventional gas resources in Poland, (3) and the development of the domestic gas infrastructure. A characterization of these three elements may point to "a new prospect of gas security," which we may witness in Poland in 2022. With the goal of elaborating the addressed issues of gas security, the text aims to answer the following questions: (1) To what degree will the potential of gas resources and of the development of the domestic gas infrastructure affect Poland's energy security?, (2) What factors affect the under-utilization of Poland's gas potential?, (3) Is it justified to assume that the new "prospect of gas security" will eliminate "political and external factors" that negatively affect the current state of Poland's energy security?(original abstract)


Energy security, Energy policy, Natural gas, Gas network





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Rosicki, R. (2015). A New Prospect of Poland’s Gas Security. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 65(8). Retrieved from

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