Published : 2015-11-30

Structural Network Linkages between Publicly Traded Companies

Justyna Światowiec-Szczepańska

Łukasz Małys

Michał Zdziarski


Identification and analysis of enterprise networks has become essential not only for the discovery of the network phenomenon, but also for the formulation of strategies at various levels of management. This article proposes a structural aspect of the research enterprise networks which may be important in the future as a basis for diagnosing the strategic position of the company and formulating its strategy. This approach is consistent with the recognition of structural social capital focused on the structure of networks and links between individuals, and with the mainstream social network theory. The article indicates the importance of the network structure from the perspective of social capital formation, the importance of the position of a company in the networks in the context of strategic management, and how to measure and analyze network links using the tools of the social network analysis (SNA).(original abstract)


Enterprise networks, Network relationships, Stock market companies, Network analysis





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Światowiec-Szczepańska, J., Małys, Łukasz, & Zdziarski, M. (2015). Structural Network Linkages between Publicly Traded Companies. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 64(7). Retrieved from

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