Published : 2015-11-30

Network of Relationships Maintained by Video and Computer Game Developers

Patrycja Klimas


This article focuses on networks of relationships - interorganizational, interpersonal, formal, and informal ones - as their creation and maintenance are justified for the functioning and development of game developers. Thus, the paper presents the most important and synthetic results of literature review, findings from exploratory research, and a wide range of practical examples referring to the area of relationships in the video game industry. Based on the above we claim that game developers experience the phenomenon of embeddedness in a dense network of heterogeneous relationships. Integration of both theoretical and empirical insights has allowed us to identify different types of co-creative relationships which should be (literature review, practical examples) and which are (interviews) created and used by game developers simultaneously inside the video game industry, within the entertainment industry, and within gaming communities.(original abstract)


Computer games, Production of toys





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Klimas, P. (2015). Network of Relationships Maintained by Video and Computer Game Developers. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 64(7). Retrieved from

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