Published : 2015-10-30

Problems of Tourism Development on a Regional Scale - Wielkopolska Case Study

Alina Zajadacz

Agata Kosińska


In the first part, the article provides an overview of the different groups of barriers to tourism development, which may occur at the level of the creation of development plans and their implementation. Moreover, the article presents research results on the endo- and exogenous barriers. The second section discusses the analysis of the specific factors that hinder the development of tourism in the Wielkopolska region. Research was based on a review of literature on the subject and the empirical analysis of strategic documents. Furthermore, the article presents the results of surveys carried out in the local government units (districts) in Wielkopolska in the period of June- September 2014. Results of the study allowed for the identification of the main categories of factors that constitute current limitations of tourism development at the regional level, which include: political and legal, financial (economic), infrastructure, social (demographic), geographical, and information (organization) barriers. The study led to the recognition of differences in the assessment of obstacles to tourism development in Wielkopolska that occur between the local government units (districts) and the contents of the documents related to the development of the tourism market. This allows for the isolation of the priorities in the field of strategic planning, both at a regional and national level, which is the starting point in the discussion on the future of the tourism market. It shows the need for greater cooperation in identifying problems, as the recognition of problems determines the formulation of scenarios for the further development of tourism and the effectiveness of their implementation.(original abstract)


Tourism, Tourism development, Tourism research, Tourism development strategy, Exogenous variable





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Zajadacz, A., & Kosińska, A. (2015). Problems of Tourism Development on a Regional Scale - Wielkopolska Case Study. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 63(6). Retrieved from

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