Published : 2015-10-30

The Participation of Wroclaw Residents in Institutionalized Forms of Recreation

Sylwia Toczek-Werner


This article concerns the issue of the participation of Wroclaw's residents in recreation, with particular emphasis on physical recreation. It presents the first results of research on institutional participation. The study and analysis of data on the topic used chosen traditional indicators previously empirically tested in research on participation in culture. This study was aimed at a socially diverse, adult population of residents. Data collected via a questionnaire are of an original character. The research plan was adopted for the needs of this study, and used to determine the range of two kinds of forms of participation: (1) directly related to the activities of the institutions involved in the organization and operation of recreation, which is an activity that is a prerequisite for participation, and (2) indirectly related to the activities of the institutions, where this activity is a factor supporting this participation, but is not a prerequisite.(original abstract)


Recreation, Leisure time, Participation in culture





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Toczek-Werner, S. (2015). The Participation of Wroclaw Residents in Institutionalized Forms of Recreation. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 63(6). Retrieved from

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