Published : 2015-10-30

Active Tourism as an Element of Healthy Lifestyle in the Youth of Szczecin Secondary School

Ewa Szczepanowska

Paulina Wasilewska


Active tourism is an element of a healthy lifestyle, as well as, a nice and interesting way of spending leisure time with many health benefits. There are many forms of active tourism, so it can be practiced in relation to individual preferences and fitness level. Participation in active tourism gives many health benefits for the human organism. The aim of this work is the introducing active tourism and healthy lifestyle ideas, and also, revealing the knowledge of this topic of the Szczecin Secondary School youth. The research is done by a diagnostic poll, with the questionnaire collected from students of Szczecin Secondary School. In their opinion, active tourism is an important element of a healthy lifestyle. The majority of them have taken part in it in the past, as well as in the present. The Sokal-Michener index shows 22% greater knowledge about the role of active tourism in healthy lifestyle in girls than in boys. The variety of active tourism forms and its accessibility are a great incentive to practice it by people of all ages, and particularly by youth.(original abstract)


Tourism, Lifestyle, Tourist activity, Youth





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Szczepanowska, E., & Wasilewska, P. (2015). Active Tourism as an Element of Healthy Lifestyle in the Youth of Szczecin Secondary School. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 63(6). Retrieved from

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