Published : 2015-10-30

How to Use Modern and Past Aviation Infrastructure in Urban Tourism

Edyta Pijet-Migoń


An extended network of air connections, coupled with affordable prices, contribute to the development of tourism, including urban tourism. However, transportation is not the only function which may be performed by commercial airports and their infrastructure. The aim of the paper is to highlight functions of airports other than handling air passenger traffic and to discuss how airports themselves may become tourist destinations. Airports may act as tourist attractions themselves due to interesting settings, terminal architecture, advanced technological and organizational developments. Some of them host aviation museums, art galleries, exhibitions, observation terraces, vantage points, and information centres which attract tourists, including those who do not necessarily travel by air. Growing interest in the history of aviation creates an opportunity to design new tourist products and expand on the existing ones. They may be developed at contemporary airports, but aviation heritage at disused airports may also be explored for this purpose. In consequence, tourist attractiveness of normally less visited neighbourhoods within city limits would increase.(original abstract)


Airports technical infrastructure, Airports, Touristic attractiveness, Tourism, Tourist product, Urban tourism





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Pijet-Migoń, E. (2015). How to Use Modern and Past Aviation Infrastructure in Urban Tourism. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 63(6). Retrieved from

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