Published : 2015-10-30

The Use of New Technologies in Air Transport in the Context of Tourist Services - Based on the Opinion of Passengers of the Krakow Airport

Krzysztof Borodako

Lech Koniec


One of the main drivers of tourism traffic, particularly international in urban areas, is the air availability. Development of air services in recent years has meant that they are more accessible by lowering the price and increasing the comfort and safety of the trip. With a growing number of passengers, there is also growing demand for ease of and more facilities that serve passengers (shorter check-in, enhanced security), but also, demands from ports and airlines (lowering costs). One such solution is the implementation of new technologies in the process of handling passengers. Therefore, studies were undertaken, whose aim was to determine the level of use by travelers of these new technologies, based on a case study of the Krakow Airport.(original abstract)


Tourist movement, Air transport, Internet application, High-tech, Transport services





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Borodako, K., & Koniec, L. (2015). The Use of New Technologies in Air Transport in the Context of Tourist Services - Based on the Opinion of Passengers of the Krakow Airport. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 63(6). Retrieved from

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