Published : 2015-07-30

Dietitians - New Professionals in Poland's SME Sector

Anna Walczak


This paper aims to describe the profession of a dietitian as an element of the Polish healthcare system and to explore the prospects of adjusting the position of dietitians in the SME market. The authors' interest in this research problem has been driven by the perceived deficiencies of the legal and organizational framework for the profession of dietitians, which is dysfunctional visà- vis regulations adopted in other countries and has become a substantial constraint on the growth of the profession itself and the medical services market at large. Furthermore, these deficiencies are seen as having a number of negative effects on public health, society, and the economy. The paper discusses the roles of individual entities in the market for dietitian services, highlighting the key issues in public health and current trends in health policy. In conclusion, the authors put forth a proposal for a functional and organizational restructuring of the healthcare system, involving a more complete incorporation of dietitians. The reform proposal is aligned with the widely recommended model of comprehensive healthcare that postulates expanding the range of publicly funded services, reorganizing and rationalizing the use of human resources available to the sector, improving the system's overall performance, and increasing satisfaction levels among both healthcare customers and providers. If implemented, the proposed changes could also contribute to boosting the growth of the SME market in Poland.(original abstract)


Dietary feeding, Health, Health care protection





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Walczak, A. (2015). Dietitians - New Professionals in Poland’s SME Sector. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 61(4). Retrieved from

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