Published : 2015-06-30

Managerial Talent in Education - Whether the Current Recruitment and Selection Procedure for Principals Can Identify Talent

Justyna Cieślińska


The modern day school is a place of many interactions between different pressures that are political, social, cultural or economical. Many changes that are now taking place in Polish schools are determined by the requirements of the educational policy of the state and the influence of the European Union. In modern society, the economy is based on many requirements and is highly competitive; therefore, every institution needs to be managed in a way that meets those expectations. The purpose of this article is to present the issue of talent, in contemporary organizations - the process of recruitment, selection, and management of outstanding employees. Secondly, it will attempt to verify whether a similar phenomenon also applies to modern schools and the principal's position. It was analyzed whether the current recruitment and the process of selection for the position of the school's principal includes the elements related to the research and identification of a potential talent. Nowadays, one of the most important changes expected in the school's environment is modern leadership.(original abstract)


Education management, State education, Education system, Recruitment of management staff





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Cieślińska, J. (2015). Managerial Talent in Education - Whether the Current Recruitment and Selection Procedure for Principals Can Identify Talent. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 60(3). Retrieved from

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