Published : 2015-06-30

Modern IT Tools Supporting Talent Management in Organizations

Alicja Rytelewska


The belief that the success of a company depends on the effective management of human capital is becoming more and more common, but the use of software supporting human management is, in practice, still insufficient. In the paper, the author points out the fact that to main-tain a good market position, organizations operating in difficult economic times should pay more attention in creating effective HR departments to support human capital management. In times of an economic crisis, only modern enterprises, based on knowledge of their employees, are able to survive and be competitive. In the study, the literature related to human capital management is analyzed. In addition, the IT tools that support human capital management in enterprises are described, in particular, that of talented people. The author also characterizes "SuccessFactors" - the most modern IT tool. The article ends with concluding remarks, which contain the conclusions reached.(original abstract)


Human Capital Management, Talent management, Development of human capital, Professional development of employees





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Rytelewska, A. (2015). Modern IT Tools Supporting Talent Management in Organizations. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 60(3). Retrieved from

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