Published : 2015-04-30

The Implementation of Post-crisis Regulations in the Polish Cooperative Banking Sector - Selected Aspects

Andrzej Pietrasz


Polish cooperative banks are largely diverse organizations. Hence, it can be presumed that the implementation of post-crisis regulations, including the CDR IV/CRR package and the IPS, is very likely to result in the loss of autonomy by most Polish cooperative banks because, among other implications, it will probably lead to further mergers and acquisitions. While strengthening their capital adequacy - entailed by the regulations - will be a positive effect, their change of focus towards "doing business" might not be, as it will eliminate, or at least diminish, their influence on local development. Thus, even if they continue to be referred to as "cooperative", the banks will become mere providers of banking services, rather than what they used to be - local financial institutions of public trust with a broad stimulating impact on their immediate environment. It is therefore more than likely (unless something very unexpected occurs) that we are just witnessing the beginning of the decline of cooperative banking in Poland. The paper aims to outline the present condition of cooperative banking in Poland, giving most attention to the problems that this banking subsector has recently been facing. At the same time, the author attempts to assess the likely effects that the implementation of recent post-crisis regulations will have on Polish cooperative banks.(original abstract)


Banking sector, Banking cooperative, Cooperative banks





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Pietrasz, A. (2015). The Implementation of Post-crisis Regulations in the Polish Cooperative Banking Sector - Selected Aspects. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 59(2). Retrieved from

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