Published : 2018-03-30

The Infrastructure for the Development of Ecotourism Potential at Degrading Natural Objects: The Case Study of the Smotrytsky Canyon

Margaryta Radomska

Larysa Cherniak

Oleksandra Kolotylo


The need for conservation and protection of natural ecosystems from the consequences of non-rational exploitation is a key issue for all industries. Tourism depends strongly on the quality of environment, but it can contribute to degrading or saving vulnerable ecosystems. The development of infrastructure for ecotourism is a way of mitigating the negative consequences of human activity and solving a range of related problems in the local labor market as well as improving living standards. The authors describe a series of actions aimed at developing ecotourism, which have been partially implemented in the Smotrytsky Canyon. In addition to presenting characteristics of the ecological and cultural value of the canyon, the authors analyze how it is affected by the existing anthropogenic factors. A list of necessary actions for environment restoration is presented, with special emphasis on erosion control, including plans for their implementation. Finally, the authors consider economic problems of developing ecotourism infrastructure and ways of minimizing their financial costs. (original abstract)


Tourism development, Ecotourism, Tourism infrastructure, Natural environment





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Radomska, M., Cherniak, L., & Kolotylo, O. (2018). The Infrastructure for the Development of Ecotourism Potential at Degrading Natural Objects: The Case Study of the Smotrytsky Canyon. Studia Periegetica, 21(1), 103–117.

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