Published : 2017-12-30

Social and Economic Conditioning of Recreational Activity and Migration of Inhabitants of the Poznań Metropolis

Agata Basińska-Zych

Bernadeta Hołderna-Mielcarek


In the global economy based on knowledge it is metropolises that determine the region's developmental potential. These are the regions of high population density and of diverse levels of life quality. Apart from intrapersonal and interpersonal features it is also environmental factors that impact on the likelihood of someone participating in physical recreation Recognizing characteristic features determining different forms of motor activity, their frequency together with the structure of recreational migrations is crucial in the process of planning and organizing recreational system in cities and metropolises. Therefore, the purpose of the following study is to determine the level of participation in recreational activity of the inhabitants of Poznań metropolis, together with the analysis of selected factors of demographic, social and economic character that have a differentiating effect onto this activity. In the study 1584 inhabitants of Poznań metropolis were examined by 5 professional interviewers between March and June 2016 by means of a standardized questionnaire. The conducted studies proved high diversification of recreational activity of the inhabitants of the Poznań Metropolis and substantiated the directional hypotheses. The obtained results made it possible to identify the groups of inhabitants who participate in recreational activity regularly, seasonally and occasionally. Moreover, the demographic, social and economic variables made it possible to identify a group of inhabitants who are extremely passive or participate in motor recreation very rarely.(original abstract)


Physical activity, Demographic factors, Social and cultural condition, Recreation





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Basińska-Zych, A., & Hołderna-Mielcarek, B. (2017). Social and Economic Conditioning of Recreational Activity and Migration of Inhabitants of the Poznań Metropolis. Studia Periegetica, 20(4), 39–64. Retrieved from

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