Published : 2017-09-30

Tourist Attractions of World Metropolises in Reviews of Tripadvisor Users

Marek Nowacki


The aim of the study is to compare key features of the image of world metropolises by analysing reviews of tourist attractions featured on the TripAdvisor website. The research problem is captured in the following questions: What are unique features of the image of world metropolises in the light of user reviews of tourist attractions posted on the TripAdvisor website? What features are associated with the positive or negative image of tourist attractions? The author analysed 4742 comments concerning 50 attractions located in five metropolises: Tokyo, New York, London, Dubai and Warsaw. The content of comments was analysed quantitatively and qualitatively. As a result, it was possible to identify key words associated with the positive and negative image of each destination and compare their images. The quality of the results is limited by the reliability of opinions published on the TripAdvisor website and a relatively small sample size.(original abstract)


Metropolisation, Touristic attractiveness, Opinion research, Research results, Case study





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Nowacki, M. (2017). Tourist Attractions of World Metropolises in Reviews of Tripadvisor Users. Studia Periegetica, 19(3), 13–31. Retrieved from

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