Published : 2017-09-30

Intergenerational Aspects of Inbound Tourism of Germans to Poznań

Ewa Stroik

Alina Zajadacz


The present study is motivated by the growing interest in cities as tourist destinations as well as the fact that German citizens are the largest group of foreign tourists visiting Poland. The purpose of the study is to identify characteristics of German tourists visiting Poznań, taking into account differences between generations. The study is based on survey data collected by the authors in the period 2014-2016 using the CAWI and PAPI method. The data include quantitative characteristics of tourist traffic and assessments of tourists' satisfaction with their stay in Poznań. A total of 505 respondents were surveyed. The results of the study show that within different age groups, despite some similarities, there are significant differences in the way tourist travel is organized. Most German tourists expressed a high level of satisfaction with their stay in Poznań, but their willingness to recommend the city as a tourist destination or to revisit it clearly varied depending on the age group.(original abstract)


Tourism, Tourist movement, Generation, Questionnaire survey, Research results





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Stroik, E., & Zajadacz, A. (2017). Intergenerational Aspects of Inbound Tourism of Germans to Poznań. Studia Periegetica, 19(3), 47–65. Retrieved from

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