Published : 2020-12-30

Micro-Business Entrepreneurs and Bricoleurs on their Way Towards Sustainable Practice - Implications for Learning Processes

Anette Oxenswärdh


The purpose of the study was to investigate how some micro-business entrepreneurs and bricoleurs experience their learning processes through workshops, especially with respect to sustainability issues. This qualitative and explorative study focuses on learning processes during the GreenBizz course, which are analysed on the basis of inquiries and observations of discussions among course participants and on documents describing the course design and assignments. It was found that entrepreneurs are aware and are familiar with sustainability issues but they have neither proper tools nor the knowhow for implementing sustainable changes in their businesses. To be successful, the learning process needs to sufficiently heterogeneous, should involve the transmission of tacit knowledge and provide opportunities for participants to learn about their motivations and should include both theoretical and practical elements. Participation in the course enables entrepreneurs to network with other entrepreneurs, give support and share knowledge about sustainable solutions in their businesses. The study shows that such courses not only must allow for a certain degree of flexibility but also require a course or team leader with a solid and practical knowledge in entrepreneurship and sustainability. (original abstract)


Sustainable development, Tourism, Micro-enterprise, Learning process, Knowledge sharing, Entrepreneurship

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Oxenswärdh, A. (2020). Micro-Business Entrepreneurs and Bricoleurs on their Way Towards Sustainable Practice - Implications for Learning Processes. Studia Periegetica, 32(4), 89–104.

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