Published : 2009-12-30

Akupunktura i jej odmiany a dostępność w turystyce leczniczej

Ewa Szczepankowska

Tomasz Prościński

Bożena Ewa Marcinkowska

Roman Drozdowski

Małgorzata Siwczak


The aim of this work is to examine the possibility of using acupuncture treatment as a way of therapeutic tourism. The first chapter explains what acupuncture is and when it has been introduced at first. The history of acupuncture treatment is described, starting with a description of its earliest forms thousands years ago, followed by an explanation of its development and its particular methods nowadays. The second chapter describes several types of acupuncture: thermopuncture, auriculotherapy, acupressure, electropuncture and reflexotherapy. All these methods are now used in health resorts and medical SPA services all over the world. The third chapter presents some examples of acupuncture treatment used in Lithuania and Czech Republic, as well, as in Poland. Some of them are presented as basic information of the medical SPA services.(original abstract)


Medical treatment, Health spa, Health tourism





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Szczepankowska, E., Prościński, T., Marcinkowska, B. E., Drozdowski, R., & Siwczak, M. (2009). Akupunktura i jej odmiany a dostępność w turystyce leczniczej. Studia Periegetica, 3, 123–153. Retrieved from

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