Published : 2021-06-30

Gothic cathedrals as a reason for travelling in the light of opinions posted by tourists visiting Wrocław, Kraków and Poznań

Agnieszka Niezgoda

Izabela Wyszowska


Architectural monuments are an important group of tourist attractions and can influ-ence tourists’ motivation to visit particular places. The article presents the characteristics of the Gothic style as exemplified by its highest achievement - the cathedral. The aim of the study was to determine if modern tourists perceive cathedral buildings as symbols of the Gothic style and whether this perception is reflected in opinions posted on TripAdvisor, i.e. whether the Gothic cathedrals motivate tourist to visit a given city. The study involved analysing user opinions posted on TripAdvisor. It turned out that comments about the Gothic character of particular build-ings were only found in 6% of analysed entries. Most references to the Gothic style were found in opinions about the cathedral in Wrocław (12%), considerably fewer about the cathedral in Poznań (4%), and, surprisingly, there were no mentions of “gothic” in any of the opinions posted by tourists visiting the cathedral in Kraków.


gothic, cathedrals, travel motivation, tourists’ opinions, TripAdvisor





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Niezgoda, A., & Wyszowska, I. (2021). Gothic cathedrals as a reason for travelling in the light of opinions posted by tourists visiting Wrocław, Kraków and Poznań. Studia Periegetica, 34(2), 45–63.

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