Published : 2021-12-30

The role of sea ferry carriers in the promotion of seaside tourist destinations in Poland

Tomasz Studzieniecki

Tadeusz Palmowski


Marketing activities undertaken by entities of the tourism industry play an important role in the development of inbound tourism, which can generate many economic and non-eco-nomic benefits in areas visited by travellers. Among these entities are sea ferry carriers, which, while promoting their own services, can also promote seaside tourist destinations. The main aim of the article is to describe ways in which sea ferry carriers contribute to the promotion of coastal tourist destinations. In addition, the authors identify characteristics and determinants of ferry tourism and outline prospects for its development in Poland. The article is based on the analysis of secondary sources, particularly information and promotion materials published by carriers. The study has shown that Sweden is the only country generating ferry tourism in Poland. There are four carriers operating ferries that connect 3 ports in Poland (Świnoujście, Gdynia, Gdańsk) with 4 ports in Sweden (Karlskrona, Ystad, Trelleborg, Nynäshamn). The carriers offer a variety of tourism products, including packages with services provided onshore in Poland. Destinations promoted by the carriers are located mainly in the coastal region. The Swedish carrier «Stena Line», providing ferry service between Gdynia and Karlskrona, has a particularly rich offering for tourists. The modern terminal in Gdynia, opened in 2021, will enable the quick handling of a larger number of ferries, which may result in a higher number of travellers visiting Poland in the future.


tourism, promotion, destination, ferries, the Baltic Sea

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Studzieniecki, T., & Palmowski, T. (2021). The role of sea ferry carriers in the promotion of seaside tourist destinations in Poland. Studia Periegetica, 36(4), 9–28.

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